Stepping Back in Time: A Visit to Burnaby Village Museum in British Columbia

Imagine being a time traveler, transported back to the 1920s through the enchanting realm of the Burnaby Village Museum. Situated in the heart of British Columbia, this distinctive open-air museum showcases a rich collection of historical artifacts and meticulously reconstructed buildings that narrate the vibrant history of Canada. As you wander the charming streets, youContinue reading “Stepping Back in Time: A Visit to Burnaby Village Museum in British Columbia”

From the Field: Spending a Day at Hopcott Farms in Pitt Meadows, BC

Did you realize the fact that Hopcott Farms in Pitt Meadows, BC, produces over 40 types of fresh fruits and vegetables every year? You’re getting ready to be a part of a place in which the first light marks the beginning of a day that is full of activities. From picking apples to feeding the livestockContinue reading “From the Field: Spending a Day at Hopcott Farms in Pitt Meadows, BC”

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